© Jonathan Lee 2009 - 2014. Powered by Blogger.

I once did something very silly. I told someone to start a blog. Now, I admit that the silliness of this move may not be immediately apparent, so let me explain. There is only so much time left in the world. I don't know how much time exactly - my Cub Scouts handbook was particularly vague on this subject - but I imagine it to be somewhere between 16 hours and 2 million years. As a result we only have so much time to do things. Like brush our teeth. Ignore 'reality' television. And read blogs. This blog. By recommending someone else starts a blog gives them a piece of the world's time; and thus gives you less time to read my blog. Sorry about that. It was a badly thought out move. The good news is, though, that I have learnt from that mistake. I won't be telling anyone else to start a blog.

So when Marc asked me whether I would like to collaborate with him on a new blog, I naturally said 'No'. The problem was that Marc was not in earshot and so all he got was an email saying 'Yes'. Taking things at face-value, Marc decided I really meant 'Yes'. As a result we have created 7 Reasons. A bit like Ronseal, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Makes the dull shiny. Everyday we'll be taking a look at topical topics or random randomness and giving you seven reasons, erm, why. For example, 7 Reasons Why France Like Their Onions. Basically, think of it as a self-help guide.

And it all starts over here. Tomorrow. Just remember that this is your first love, okay? Thanks.

About the Author

Ali Bajwa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Facebook dolor quam, pretium eu placerat eu, semper et nunc. Nullam ut turpis dictum, luctus mi quis, luctus lorem. Nullam porttitor consectetur nunc in tempor!

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  1. I've set my alarm. I shall be getting up earlier than usual so that I have ample time to read this blog again and 7 too. I am nothing if not dedicated.

  2. That's great. Thanks. Have a banana.

  3. Delicious is my friend, have bookmarked the link for tomorrow.

  4. There is far too much excitement brewing. Control yourselves. I didn't realise you blogged, Rachel. I shall have to start reading it.

  5. I don't like bananas, though I do eat them when part of a banoffee pie. Can I have an apple* instead, please?

    *Discovery are my favourite variety of apple, so one of those would be very nice.

  6. I'll see what I can do. I don't like bananas either. Hence there are many available.

  7. Just a thought... Why do you have bananas if you don't like them either?

  8. I might read this new blog if I am near a computer. Oh and for the record I prefer Royal Gala apples to any other variety.

  9. Maybe the first 7 post is going to be varieties of apple? I'll be disappointed now if it isn't.

  10. @SarahC: I like the shape.
    @Sarah: As long as you read this one I am happy. Apple preference noted. I myself am a fan of Golden Delicious.
    @SarahC: You will be disappointed. Though you have given food for thought.

  11. Have been messing around with said blog, first post up shortly.

  12. I like the apples from off the tree in the garden - have no idea what variety they are.

  13. @Rachel: Yes, the lack of posts made me think that your idea of a blog wasn't up to much. Let us all know when it's done. We like reading.
    @668: They're Granny Smith. I know this because I used to be a greengrocer/thief.

  14. @Rach: in light of Jon's concerns ref Jolly Interesting Stuff, do you think you should be touting your new blog here?! Especially if you sneak the first post in today ahead of tomorrow's 7 launch? It could prove a fatal blow.

    @Jon: Oh! Twice.

  15. Nothing is fatal is the world of blogging. Work together and we could be heroes.

  16. @SarahC: Have done first post, but it's pimping the 7 launch, I think it's quite a good idea so deserved to be mentioned in my opening post. Also seeing as I have linked to Jon's blog on my post it's only polite for him to do the same back to me.

    And my dog will eat any unwanted bananas, and I will only eat apples if they are cut up.

  17. You have been sidebar-ed. I'll write something nice about you later in the week. Though perhaps when you have done another post? Otherwise I am going to say, 'Look at this blog, it's about me'. Yeah, actually, that's quite appealing.

  18. @ RachEL: Oops! Apologies. Won't do it again!

  19. @Jon: Many thanks. Will do another post at some point this week that isn't about you :-P

    @SarahC: You are forgiven.

  20. @Rachel Will it be about me?

    @SarahCanterbury Nothing in particular, Hello!

  21. @Marc: I might mention/link to you guys in passing if you've posted anything quite interesting, it's up to you to make yourselves linkable.

  22. @ Rachel - thanks!

    @Marc Hello back!

  23. Just letting you know I popped in here today.

  24. That's great Sarah. I appreciate it. I'll give you something more interesting to read tomorrow, while I am no longer high on adrenaline.

  25. *is still waiting, hope now dwindling away to nothing.....*

  26. Yes, sorry Sarah. I am having the most mental week of my life and it's only Wednesday. I will do something tomorrow. That's a promise. Even if it's just a big kiss.

  27. Crikey! Think that's a win win, then.
