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If you were here last week you may have read about the man who was - rather cleverly in my opinion - invoicing companies for the time he spent interacting with their brand. You can read the original post here. I - rather cleverly in many people's opinion - decided to send a counter invoice. The other day he replied. Though sadly he did not include a cheque. Amongst other things he said:

Your 85% discount is the sign of a true gentleman and it's much appreciated. I do of course have no other option but to pass this cost on to the companies who I'm still awaiting payment from, as the 167 minutes you spent is ultimately because of them.

He has added my letter and invoice to his #sixweeks website, so if you want to read it you can click here. I'm not taking it any further. Malawi calls.

About the Author

Ali Bajwa
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  1. It's good that you were "the pick of the bunch", Jonathan. I'm curious as to how many invoices he received. Perhaps you could write and ask him for us?

  2. I suspect this was creative license for 'one'.

  3. Actually, that is not entirely fair. I did see other people say, 'I will send you an invoice for my time', I imagine I may have been the only one to actually send one though.

  4. Which is just another way of saying what I said before. As you were.
