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As of today I am going to start giving sixty seconds of blog time to someone else. While I am sure your prime motivation in visiting my blog is to read about me trying to convince KGB Agents to move in with me; this type of thing doesn't happen every week. It doesn't actually happen every month. As a result I thought you might be interested in reading a bit about one of the other six-point-eight billion people on this earth. I'm calling it The Sunday Sixty. This is because I'll be posting one every Sunday and it shouldn't take more than sixty seconds to read. I used to be a creative. 

This first one is coming up in an hour or so and it features an American architect. I have no one planned for next Sunday though. Or indeed the Sunday after that. Or indeed the...oh, you get the idea. So, if you want to be the subject of a Sunday Sixty or you want to recommend someone, then please get in touch. Either down there where it says 'comments' or over there where it says 'email'. My only rule is that you have to be a person (or popular animal). 

About the Author

Ali Bajwa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Facebook dolor quam, pretium eu placerat eu, semper et nunc. Nullam ut turpis dictum, luctus mi quis, luctus lorem. Nullam porttitor consectetur nunc in tempor!

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