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Brad. B. Wood is one half of the band Merchandise. He also runs the Cityscape Record label and Cityscape Presents live events. Click here for free downloads related to their next event. The flyer for which you can see down there. Yes, down there.

Morning. Have I caught you at a good time? Yeah, not a bad one – Sunday morning’s always a slow one.

So what's your usual Sunday routine? Rise when the mood takes me, then shower, coffee, read the bits of the Saturday Guardian that I didn’t get time for on Saturday, watch the F1 if it’s on, see my girlfriend and her son and try to go somewhere interesting, eat well, film, sleep.

Five years ago did you think you'd be where you are now? Probably! Five years ago me and Con (the other half of my band, Merchandise) started For The Masses, our third album. It’s just about finished and ready for release. The previous one took 4 years so I could probably have guessed it would take us a while...

Where will you be in five years? Hmmm, depends where the music takes me. I hope that the tunes will have winged their way around the world and that will have lead to some interesting opportunities. I’d like to have travelled more.

What's your motto in life? Keep going and you’ll get there.

I have 24 hours in your hometown. What should I do? Bolton has its detractors but there are some great pubs and pie shops, as you might expect. There’s some fine walking on the moors to be done or you could catch the Wanderers or watch a play at the Octagon. The night life can be a bit rum in parts, but if you know where to go you can catch some great bands.

You've got thirty minutes in the kitchen. What are you going to knock up? Just 30 mins? I love cooking and can spend hours knocking up a good pile of food, but in that time I reckon I could do fajitas with home made guacamole.

You've just won £10 on the lottery. Spend or save? A tenner would definitely be spent – it would give me an excuse to do something fun.

What can't your friends/family understand about you? Well, I don’t put things in alphabetical order, but I do get comments for putting things in size order – books, records, pans and the like.

What are you currently obsessed with? The finishing touches on For The Masses.

What should we all be doing more of? Buying vinyl, real ale and well bound books. Cooking properly, walking and being friendly to folk!

And finally, when you go to bed tonight, are you looking forward to Monday morning? I’m not great at mornings really, but I’m not working tomorrow so it could be worse!

About the Author

Ali Bajwa
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  1. they get more entertaining as the weeks go on, good work mr lee

  2. love this series and found some decent music by the looks of it too xxx
